Early Childhood
Welcome to McGregor Early Childhood!
McGregor Early Learning programs are for many the first connection to our school district. We offer a wide range of opportunities for our families with children from birth through age five. From Preschool to ECFE, classrooms are full of enriching, high quality experiences. Classrooms are embedded with guided, play-based learning opportunities in an inclusive environment.
McGregor Early Learning is a Parent Aware Four Star rated program. To earn a four star rating, programs are excelling in the use of best practices in preparing kids for kindergarten. McGregor receives the highest possible rating!
McGregor has once again received Voluntary Pre-K funding to increase pre-kindergarten programs, helping reduce the learning gap and prepare children for success as they enter kindergarten. With the additional funding, McGregor has expanded the preschool program by adding more classes and staff best preparing students for success prior to the start of kindergarten.
It is our mission to best prepare children for future success and support and strengthen parents; the first and most important teacher in a young child's life. McGregor Early Childhood warmly welcomes all families into the district.
If you have questions about the program, please feel free to contact Lindsey Becker at 218-768-5111.
Have you had a baby within the last year and live in the McGregor School District?
Click here to complete the Google Form to receive a complimentary Future McGregor Mercury Gift! These items are provided by a partnership to support early childhood through McGregor and the Northland Foundation!
What Makes a Student Prepared for Kindergarten?
What makes a student prepared for Kindergarten? McGregor ISD #4 staff have put together skills your child will need to be successful in kindergarten. For more information you may visit Help Me Grow.
* Prior exposure to letters and numbers; the more exposure the better.
* Being able to grasp a pencil in the proper way.
* Able to sustain attention while others are speaking; for an age appropriate amount of time.
* Making an attempt to write one's own name.
* Able to hold a book correctly and answer simple questions about the pictures.
* Ability to hold paper in place on desk while writing or drawing.
* Exposure/prior practice with scissors, glue, crayons, basic school supplies, etc.
* Knowledge of sharing/turn taking.
* Knowing how to clean up toys.
* Knowledge of the following skills is important: Ask permission, follow directions, seeing the teacher as authority figure, asking for help, being able to express oneself without verbal or physical acting out, and being comfortable in a learning environment without parents present.
Links to Programs
Meet the Early Education Staff

Melanie Guida
Early Childhood Teacher and Parent Educator

Lindsey Becker
Early Childhood Coordinator and Teacher

Casey Belz
Early Childhood Special Education Teacher

Kaija Sorensen
Early Childhood Assistant

Kaylie Serfling
Early Childhood Assistant