Coming soon! MAY 3RD!!

Scholarships are due TOMORROW! Don't miss this great opportunity!

Opportunity for past graduates to get a scholarship. See the picture for more information.

Just a reminder that the Junior High - High School Choir concert is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, March 30th. The time has been moved to 6:00 p.m. Students need to be at school at 5:30 p.m
Hope to see you there.

We had our March Assembly today and recognized our March Students of the Month. congratulations to all the students who are in the Merc Zone.
Thank you to Nate Jackson for providing the t-shirts.

The make up date for the choir concert is Thursday, March 30th at 6:00 p.m. in the Auditorium. Notice the time change. It's now 30 minutes earlier.

It's been eerily quiet this week with no students around. This allowed for some touch up working to be completed from our construction project. One project that the elementary students will notice right away is the water fountain has been replaced. Hopefully we can get water all the time from this one. We had over 500,000 water bottle refills with the last one.

To finish out the trip, the band and choir stopped at Enchanted Springs ranch where they got to see some longhorns, pet a longhorn named Woodrow, eat a delicious BBQ dinner, watch a cowboy do some roping and whip tricks, and did some line dancing! Was a great way to finish out the trip. Everyone is now on the bus and headed north. See ya tomorrow night McGregor!

Perfect for St. Patrick's day. 1st grade door art

ROYALTY WANTED! We are searching for applicants for our first ever Senior and Junior Braves and Princesses!! Must be a McGregor student between the ages of 6 and 17! Applications due April 6th and will be awarded at our pow wow on May 3rd!
Contact Rachele Moose at rmoose@isd4.org or 218-768-5155 for an application!

Students in the Life 101 after-school program making some St. Patricks Day-themed cupcakes:

Be on the lookout for people wearing our awesome Pow Wow gear!! Things are being printed as they are ordered, so some people have received their new stuff! Don't miss out, order today!

Pow Wow Fundraiser!
The AIPAC (American Indian Parent Advisory Council) group is hosting a clothing fundraiser to help with our annual pow wow costs! Our logo entwines our McGregor emblem with an Ojibwe floral design. We are working with McGregor Print Pros to bring you this fundraising opportunity!

We are trying something new for our families and community members to view our basketball games and other activities from the comfort of home, or on their devices. Home basketball games can be viewed on the new platform called HUDL.
You can go to the following web link and bookmark it to view home games live.
We are planning on using HUDL tonight for the Boys' Basketball game vs South Ridge. The broadcast will only be for the Varsity game and will go live at 6:50 p.m.
This is free for families to use to view activities.

Don’t forget the Elementary concert is tomorrow, Wednesday, December 21st! There will be a dress rehearsal at 9:30 AM and the actual performance will be at 1:30 PM. Kindergartners should wear nice clothes. 1st-2nd graders should wear black pants or leggings and will be dressed as snowmen, so they should bring a bright scarf and maybe mittens, or a stocking cap. 3rd-6th graders will wear red on top.

There have been questions as to if we will make up a snow day next Friday, December 23rd as it's marked on the school calendar. Because it is late notice we will not use Friday as a make-up day.
Next week we will finish the week on Thursday as originally planned.
Thank you and enjoy the holiday break!

The Tree Lighting Program at the golf course has been cancelled tomorrow.

There is a wonderful family event happening at the Golf Course on December 17th. Hope you are able to stop by and participate in this. Another great way to support our local businesses and the school

Flexible seating in 6th grade classroom. The students really enjoy the freedom to pick seating that helps them learn better. Way to go Mrs. G

Bivalent COVID boosters are expected to be available for everyone over the age of 5 years sometime in October. Aitkin County Public Health is looking to gather interest in a COVID-19 bivalent booster clinic held at school for students. Please take a moment and complete the survey link below to express your interest or disinterest in a vaccination for your child. If expressing interest, please complete one form per child.
Thank you
Brea Hamdorf, RN, PHN, CLS